

Please submit the following information with your online application:

  • Letter of intent indicating your interest in a residency at The Clay Studio of Missoula
  • 15 high quality digital images of your work - Images should be submitted as high quality jpgs (approx. 8 x 5” at 300 dpi).  Label image files with applicants last name and image number (example:  lastname1.jpg)
  • Digital image inventory sheet with title, corresponding number, date, medium and dimensions
  • Resume
  • Artist Statement
  • Contact information of 3 people who can speak to your qualifications as a potential resident. (List their name, affiliation, phone number, and email address)

About the Residency Program at The Clay Studio of Missoula

Established in 2003, the residency program at the Clay Studio of Missoula is designed to encourage the creative, intellectual and personal growth of emerging and established visual artists. A studio residency is an ideal opportunity for a developing artist who is looking for a place to pursue focused work while gaining important technical skills and teaching experience.  Residents should be enthusiastic and dedicated to their artwork, enjoy working with other people in a community studio setting and have working knowledge of the ceramic medium. Previous experience working in a ceramics studio is strongly preferred.

The Clay Studio of Missoula currently offers long term residencies, up to two years, and some short term opportunities (up to two months, dependent of space availability). There are generally five long term residents in total, and depending on the cycle, we generally have 2-3 long term spots to offer annually to new applicants. Long-term residents are initially granted a one-year residency, and are given the opportunity to extend into a second year with director and committee approval.

Residency Expectations

The Clay Studio expects that each resident will contribute approximately 5 hours a week in studio and gallery maintenance. The 5 self-directed hours working for the Clay Studio per week includes such general studio tasks (loading and firing kilns, cleaning and organizing the studio), gallery assistance (gallery monitoring, exhibit install/de-install, packing artist work), assisting with studio improvements, and performing other duties and special projects as needed. Additional work expectations includes assistance with community outreach events throughout the year. Residents are also expected to assist with the production of fundraising events, including the production of art works for the events, and are often called upon to offer technical or creative advice to studio artists, interns, and students.

Resident Benefits

Long Term Residents are assigned a dedicated, semi-private studio space to work in for the duration of their residency (approximately 125 sq. ft.), and receive 24-hour access to the Clay Studio facilities. Community Residents are granted table space and shelving in the shared staff work area, can work alongside our Community Artists, and receive 24-hour access to the Clay Studio facilities.

Residents are responsible for their own studio tools, housing and transportation, and kiln and material fees. Resident artists are highly encouraged to teach classes as a way to share their knowledge and experiences, as well as to interact with our local Missoula community. Teaching opportunities are paid.

Funding for Long Term Residents: Currently we offer $2500 annual fellowships to all new and continuing long term residents. There is also professional development funding available for long-term residents that supports attendance to NCECA, and other activities.

Funding for Short Term Residents: We offering material and firing stipends for Short Term Residents. These stipends will be determined by the length of the residency.  

The Clay Studio has a dedicated sales gallery and an exhibition space. Residents are encouraged to put work up for sale in our sales gallery, and all long-term residents are invited to present a solo exit show in the exhibition gallery near the end of their residency. The Clay Studio has a developing permanent collection, and asks that  long term residents leave a significant piece for the collection at the completion of their residency.

Wood Fire Residency

While any Clay Studio resident may fire the wood kiln, the Clay Studio of Missoula maintains one residency opportunity dedicated to a year-long wood fire residency. This opportunity may be extended into a second year. Interested applicants should have a strong, developed body of work; have previous experience firing wood kilns; feel comfortable directing firings; possess a strong work ethic, and have a desire to work within a community setting.

The Clay Studio of Missoula’s wood fire program is popular with both students and members, and the wood fire resident plays an important role in maintaining and developing this program. Expected tasks include teaching classes on wood firing, managing the wood firing community, acting as the contact to our wood suppliers, managing kiln maintenance, implementing safety policies, and supervising community and class firings. In exchange, firing fees for the wood kiln are generally waived for the wood fire resident. Time spent managing the wood fire program will account for some but not all of the wood fire resident’s hours contributed to helping to run a successful community studio.

The Clay Studio of Missoula